
Geo Scientific Material Testing Laboratories established on April, 03, 2010.

Our materials testing laboratories are accredited by Afghanistan Investment Support Agency.

Our materials testing laboratories are accredited by Afghanistan Investment Support Agency, US Army Corps of Engineers, ABA, IRD/USAID, MOUD, MOPW,UNOPS,MRRD, & Kabul Municipality,MAIL,MEW etc

GSMTL is a consulting construction materials testing laboratory which is promising to provide outstanding service to its clients in terms of construction material testing services. GSMTL Company provides both field inspection and laboratory analysis of all construction materials for commercial, private, and public organizations.

Our firm brings wide-ranging experience in materials engineering evaluation, testing and inspection to every project.

Our construction materials engineering and testing credentials speak for themselves. Our professional staff in each office location includes registered engineers having vast experience and understanding of local materials and construction practices.


To be recognized as the leader advancing the interests of the testing industry.

We pride ourselves on our response time, attention to detail, professionalism, efficiency, and integrity.

Our Mission:

Provide quality, diverse, and efficient technical services achieving client satisfaction and a self-perpetuating company.

The core values of complete independence, transparency and integrity guide us in our mission to deliver first class services on a constant high quality level to customers around the world.

Understanding the objectives and concerns of our clients is a cornerstone of our business to tailor our services to meet project requirements. Our quest for constant improvement and built-in quality throughout every project is the driving force behind our organization. Delivering reliable and cost-effective service to our clients is our ultimate corporate purpose. GSMTL professionals focus their expertise on the Geotechnical, Geologic, and Construction-materials testing aspects of constructed facilities. We apply  engineering and geologic principles with professional judgment, backed by field investigations and laboratory testing. So our mission is to provide technically-sound recommendations after consideration of the theoretical, practical, and economic aspects of your projects.

Our Objective:

Materials used in construction projects have to meet regulations and standards regarding their quality. Compliance with these standards is often mandatory and requires testing of the materials by an independent third party.

The Solution:

GSMTL has several Construction Materials Laboratories, providing professional testing services and operating under the relevant required accreditations.

GSMTL’s Construction Materials Testing Laboratories are the first choice when you require testing by an independent testing and inspection organization, advice on the quality of the materials and information on requirements for import and export of construction materials.

Services & Capabilities:

With our advanced testing technologies and our experienced and qualified staff we offer total quality services and high level expertise for commercial clients, governments and international institutions.

Till to date GSMTL provided its Training & Construction Quality Services to MOEW Different staff & Projects which are available in MOEW Record. GSMTL is committed to provide timely and reliable construction-materials observation, testing, and inspection services. Our organization goes beyond the typical “testing” and “inspection” by providing engineering support for technical questions that may arise during construction. This support assists in maintaining control of cost and quality of construction. We maintain close contact with the superintendent or our client’s representative and our technicians/inspectors to minimize the possibility of missing a critical placement or activity that requires our service. Our experience has frequently allowed us to advise the contractor of potential problems with respect to construction materials and procedures before they occur.

Construction-materials samples requiring laboratory testing are collected at the project site and delivered to either our in-house laboratories or on-site field laboratories, as project requirements dictate. Our construction-materials laboratories have the capability of measuring the engineering parameters necessary to assure compliance to project specifications. Testing results are reported to client representatives and GSMTL field professionals for evaluation and project documentation

Your Total Solution:

GSMTL has extensive experience, qualified personnel, and the necessary equipment required to provide Special Inspection Services in the following areas.

  • Soil Tests
  • Aggregate Tests
  • Concrete Tests (Including Mix Design)
  • Masonry Tests
  • Cement Tests
  • Bitumen & Asphalt Testing (Including Mix Design)
  • Steel Testing
  • Chemical Tests
  • PVC Tests
  • Water Well/Water Quality Testing Services
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Geophysical Surveys
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Field Laboratory Testing
  • Construction Materials Monitoring & Inspection
  • Providing all kind of QA/QC Trainings
  • Lab. Equipment Supplying Services
  • Maintenance & Calibration Services
  • Supplying all kind of Construction Chemicals
  • Natural Stone Tests
  • Water Well drilling

We Stress Accountability

GSMTL accredited laboratories support a diversified private and public sector customer base with differing needs and demands. Analyses are conducted in conformance with applicable standards and specifications, and they are verified through a rigorous quality assurance program. Additionally, every GSMTL lab technician is trained and tested in the areas of health and safety, with knowledge of standardized test methods and

calibration of testing equipment. Certifications and training status are maintained on each technician.

Dedicated to Technical Excellence

GSMTL works as part of your construction team to keep your project on track. Our firm brings wide-ranging experience in materials engineering evaluation, testing and inspection to every project. Our engineers and technicians respond to your needs in the areas of above mentioned services, and they will apply their knowledge of regional geology and construction materials and processes to help you select appropriate materials and methods to complete your project.

Future Plans:

The vision of GSMTL is to serve the nation of Afghanistan by rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure while exhibiting excellent construction and engineering techniques. As we expand the company we build capacity and strengthen the nation. We envision continual expansion and positive influence throughout Afghanistan. GSMTL’s plans to have a developed Afghanistan with the quality of construction work.

GSMTL Offer Services in any Privence of Afghanistan

GSMTL Branches :

(1)  Kabul  (2) Kandahar (3) Mazar(4) Khost (5) Bagram Airfield  (6)Jalalabad (7) Gardez